What are the symptoms of Equine Influenza?
Equibee NZ Made Remedy to help horses with resipiratory & other illness shop now
Equine Influenza (horse flu) is a highly infectious disease in which the affected animal (horse, donkey, mule or zebra) will have several symptoms including a high fever and a dry cough. Its highly contagious and spreads quickly.
Symptoms include:
- a high temperature of 39-41deg C (103-106deg F), lasting for one to five days.
- a dry, harsh-sounding cough that may linger for several weeks.
- a clear nasal discharge that may turn green or yellow as secondary infections developed.
- swollen lymph nodes under the jaw
- a clear eye discharge
- depression, lethargy, and loss of appetite.
- there may be swelling in the lower limbs and a horse may be stiff and reluctant to move.
How to Treat
Blood tests and nasal swabs are necessary for definitive diagnosis, but consistent clinical signs and close proximity to a confirmed property is often enough.
If you suspect your horse has equine flu, stop working him immediately. Continuing to work an affected horse will worsen their respiratory status.
The very young and the very old are most vulnerable. Aged horses and foals aged from one to five months can be affected by pneumonia, which can be fatal.
Keep sick horses out of bad weather and in the shade.
Treatment of equine flu boils down to rest and husbandry. There is no direct means of fighting the virus with drugs, and while anti-influenza compounds are available for use in humans, these have not been used extensively on horses.
Horses should be rested for one week for every week of fever, with a minimum of three week’s rest. A veterinarian may prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug if the horse’s fever is over 40ºC (104F). Antibiotics may be prescribed when the fever lasts for more than three or four days, or when purulent nasal discharge or pneumonia are present.
Equibee is a natural product made from NZ honey and can be useful for treating and helping horses recover from Coughs, Colds, Respiratory Problems and Stiffness.
An innovative product designed to treat respiratory ailments in horses by combining proven equine medicines, Potassium Iodide, Ammonium Chloride with the natural goodness and healing qualities of Manuka/Kanuka bush honey.
What does it do?
- It reduces respiratory tract inflammation
- It works as a decongestant
- It reduces muscle stiffness (tying up)
How does it work?
Equibee is unique in that it suspends specific active medicinal ingredients in with honey, to achieve a target and effective delivery.
It accomplishes this by using the honey as a tasty and stable anti-bacterial medium to hold and transport the medication to the affected areas and at the same time, soothing the horses throat. Once it has moved through into the stomach the remaining mediation is absorbed into the blood stream and acts much the same was as regular medications. This combined effed enhances the horses chances of making full and rapid recovery.
What are the benefits?
- The sweetness of the hone means the horses love the taste.
- Its easy to administer either directly into the mouth or mixed in with the feed
- There is no withholding period unlike some other products
- It treats up to three ailments at once. Respiratory tract inflammation, congestions and tying up
- Equibee has a very long shelf life, measured in years not months
- Equibee was developed and is made in New Zealand
Who can use it?
Anyone can use Equibee. Once the applicable ailment has been diagnosed, simple read the instructions on the pack and use as directed.
Equibee is non-toxic so you will not run the risk of over medicating your horse
Give Adult Horses 30ml daily until finished
Keep out of direct sunlight
Store at room temperature ( Warming up slightly may be required in colder temperatures)
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We have a pony that has an allergy cough
Currently has an natural allergy tonic of Echinacea and vit C
Has been ok but cough has been more often of late with change of weather and pollens